13 December 2007

The Chaser Trashes APEC

Big global governmental collusion leads to the formation of ridiculous and pointless groups like APEC, cleverly designed to fuck you out of more of your freedoms, and spend your surrendered tax dollars on expensive junkets for self-important people—like national leaders. The Australian Federal Government spent squillions on security to ensure that that "the terrorists" don't wreak havoc, mayhem and murder (excellent media content for you to enjoy whilst eating dinner) and disrupt this oh-so-important gathering of overpaid public servants.

Thankfully, there's a bunch of talented and irreverent fellas in Sydney, Australia who did an awesome task in creating this reality check: that no matter what governments tell you, anyone with a little bit of gumption and guile can trash the most sophisticated man-made creation—be it a system, machine or procedure—and remind us that there is nothing so sacred in life that needs to be "serious" about all the time. (or some of my pagan friends may argue at anytime!)

The Chaser made news all around the world, and left Australia's security officials with red faces. Aw c'mon people, no one was harmed. It's a good joke, and most of us laughed our balls off!

Well done lads!

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