15 December 2009

"Us" vs "Them" Debates, Heck, I'll take the null hypothesis instead

Here is a collection of super-divisive debates between theists and atheists/non-theists.

I am tiring of the "atheist" label lately. I prefer nullifidian because to me that relates to the null-hypothesis -- because that places the burden of proof squarely on the people making the claim. In that way, I am not required to hold any hypothesis at all -- for e.g. I need not even bother to consider the possibility of a supreme supernatural being any more than I need to consider the possibility of fairies, goblins, gremlins and pixies hiding in my house.

Anyway, if you require occasional 'entertainment', nothing beats passionate arguments between believers and infidels. Check it out

Theses debates are reviewed here. (blog added to blogroll)

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