09 December 2010

Oprah's handlers tell Melbourne doll shop to remove golliwog

Oprah's handlers tell Melbourne doll shop to remove golliwog

What the motherfucking fuck?

Oprah's visit is costing the taxpayers (us, the suckers, folks) AUD4 million, and her handlers have the gall to do this?

Worse still is the store owner who capitulated. This is nuts. A golliwog is a doll -- you know, a toy which children play with... 'make belief' stuff, good harmless fun. Definitely no offence intended. It is not called a nigger doll which would be offensive, and could even be interpreted as being purposely so.

Kudos have to go to Jeff Kennet, ex-premier of Victoria. I always thought him a decent bloke. Never liked his haircut though. Jeff, a suggestion go short Number 2 or 3. You'll look badass.

The wisdom of the politicians (hah!) is that $4mill spent on Oprah -- her 'magical pulling power' from the magic of TV-land invading our homes and eventually our minds -- will translate into tourist dollars.

Get fucking real -- the Australian dollar is one of the currencies which has devalued the least relative to other currencies, cos'our conservative Freidmanite Reserve Bank has mopped up a lot of the 'stimulus' money delivered by Rudd and Swan to prevent deflation from occurring. Damn, would have loved a super-cheap new car. No such luck.

Anyway the point is it is now more expensive to vacation in Australia. For the locals, the stellar purchasing power of their Australian Dollars means they get more bang-for-the-buck if they holiday and shop overseas. This double-whammy delivered by a strong currency has walloped the poor Australian tourist industry. and so the pollies figured -- "Aha! Let's have Oprah visit and televise her trip!". Beware when those politicians have "aha" moments -- it means taxpayers are about to be fleeced for some insane idea.

OK, maybe I'm being 'too negative'. Well, lets see if the tourist numbers pick up. If the numbers do indeed pick up, and wet-blankets like myself are jeered, the pundits can do their confirmation bias thingy and claim that this time, correlation does indeed mean causation. The claim will be made so oud and on every media channel that it must be the truth -- no proof or analysis required.

Until the next political "aha" moment, go and spend some money, before they take it away.

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