20 December 2010

Tunku abdul Aziz -- Darn good writer

Here are a couple articles written by Tunku Abdul Aziz on Singapore where he delivers his powerful punch, but ever so nicely. There's an art to doing this ;-)

Tunku Aziz is a passionate and caring man. He obviously cares deeply for his country and wants the best for the nation and her people.

In response to the comments made by Singapore officials about various countries,  Malaysia in particular, discovered in wikileaks Cablegate.
Singapore redefines braggadocio — Tunku Abdul Aziz

"With a neighbour that has developed bad mouthing into a fine art form, its foreign minister has the temerity to tell us not to take their condemnation of all things Malaysian out of context. Pray, what exactly is the context, Mr Yeoh?"

Ouch. That has got to sting, at least a little.

In earlier article Aziz describes the difficulty in dealing with the apparent emotional stuntedness and extreme focus oneself-interest characteristic of Singapore officials. i.e. you don't expect a neighbour to behave so coldly and distantly.
Singapore is simply a neighbour too far

"Singapore has always made it clear that she has no time for sentimental nonsense, and operates simply on the basis of exacting the maximum advantage she can wangle out of any deal, no matter what."

Nice. Spot on.

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