Get a load of these cheeky buggers?
Imagine pressuring the government to TAX the voluntary free trades of your customers so that they are dis-incentivised to buy CHEAPER and are almost forced to buy from you. Boy, sour grapes or what?
I reckon I spend a few thousand dollars a year at the retailers in question. Over the three decades I have been one of their 'small' customers, I can state that I'm reasonably satisfied with their products and think that generally they run good businesses.
However, IMO they've crossed the line here. There was another option to take: ask for a decrease in the GST or some other 'uncompetitive' legislation. Oh no.
This coterie of successful retailers choose instead to wage war on the consumer -- their customers.
This coterie of successful retailers choose instead to wage war on the consumer -- their customers.
I shall be ceasing any business with these retailers forthwith, and am hoping others who feel the same way do the same: BOYCOTT.
I won't read their advertisements -- all the mail goes directly in the bin. I will encourage my friends not to shop there.
I am not interested in what they are selling, and will shop elsewhere instead: where the business owner respects my freedom as a customer -- especially and including THE FREEDOM to take advantage of any loophole or legality which gives me more 'bang for my buck' -- i.e. shopping on-line is cheaper and I get better value for my money on certain things.
AUSTRALIA'S biggest retailers will pour million of dollars into an advertising campaign aimed at pressuring the Government to impose GST on all goods bought over the internet.
Taking a leaf from the mining industry, which lobbied effectively against the resource super-profits tax, a coalition of retailers including Myer, David Jones, Harvey Norman and Target, will today begin taking out print ads in a bid to rescue the flagging sector.
Myer chief executive Bernie Brookes criticised the Government's announcement of a Productivity Commission inquiry into the taxation of online purchases as a delaying tactic and said urgent action was needed to stop jobs from being lost.
Sluggish retail sales, heavy discounting in the lead-up to the Christmas sales period and a surging Australian dollar have encouraged consumers to shop over the internet, devastating the retail sector.
continue reading: Australian retailers ramp up online tax bid | Herald Sun
From The SMH: Fury at online GST loophole
A reader's comment (referring to Harvey Norman):
From The SMH: Fury at online GST loophole
A reader's comment (referring to Harvey Norman):
Come on Jerry, since when do you say where we can shop? You have no right to dictate our shopping habits, we shall shop where and when we please. I for one will no longer be shopping at your stores. How dare you, [...]