28 February 2005

Matilah Singapura

Hi folks

The national anthem of Singapore is titled "Majulah Singapura". It is in Malay (now known as Bahasa) and when translated means "Prevail" or "Move Forward" or "Succeed Singapore".

"Matilah" which is also in Malay means "death to" or "doomed to die" in English.

However I am of the belief that the autoritarian and dictatorial ruling party of Singapore the PAP will drive this nation to the ground. All its citizens will end up slaves, all private property will end up owned by the state, there'll be no freedom, no private wealth... the culture of death will prevail.

Nonetheless I believe that one has a choice to either wallow in doom and gloom... or choose to be happy and productive without living in denial of possible or probable threats.

I grew up on a diet of libertarianism. I am influenced by and a kindred spirit of inspiring people like Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Locke, P J O'Rourke, Lysander Spooner, George Reisman among others. Yes, I lean very much toward Objectivism but politically consider myself a Market Anarchist - i.e. no compromise laissez faire capitalism, which means individual rights and the right to private property.

I guess my idea of "Matilah Singapura" is to a degree influenced by Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". Atlas Shrugged is a novel, and thus an allegory - but it does convey important ideas. Other books I consider important are "Human Action" by Ludwig von Mises and "Man, Economy and State" by Murray Rothbard.

This blog is an on-going treatise on the politics and economics in Singapore, and the ramifications for personal freedoms and individual rights of its citizens.

Feel free to post. I do however exercise my right to private property - this is MY blog (although I am contractually obligated to the terms and conditions set forth by blogger.com), and I am a Sovereign Individual. So ultimately I get to choose what stays here, and what doesn't.



Jeff! Lim said...

welcome to the Singapore blogosphere, my friend - and may urs be another added voice to the plethora of voices that we have already! I will look forward to seeing what u have to say.

Interesting though, ur influences. How did u get them? Consider the educational system...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Thank you kindly!

My influences? I guess I just walk a different path... and run into all sorts of things :)

Jeff! Lim said...

KoP, lol :D

same resident? yeah, must be lah!

i mean, check this out...

Matilah, have u checked out my latest post on the CSJ vs MML issue? :D (part 1, that is - part 2 will probably be just a shortened quote, like what u post at http://www.youngpap.org.sg/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=4599)

Anonymous said...

I am MM E, Singapore is my turf, and I choose what stays and what not...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Well mm e, knock yourself out.

I'll let you in on a little secret:

EVERYONE does what they like.

Recruit Ong said...

NS is killing Spore!!!

Anonymous said...

"However I am of the belief that the autoritarian and dictatorial ruling party of Singapore the PAP will drive this nation to the ground. All its citizens will end up slaves, all private property will end up owned by the state, there'll be no freedom, no private wealth... the culture of death will prevail."

You continuously use the future tense - 'will' - where the present tense would be more representative of social reality.

Best Regards, and keep up the Good Work MS!

Anonymous said...

To inq,

Some of the present tense or past tense that can be used:

extremely busy during April and May

lost a few tens of K in H_D_B pricing

Depreciate in C_O_E by more than 50%

Write off $68M in telco

Investment in neighouring countries freeze.

Hopefully that help you to recall some of the past and present tense.....

Anonymous said...

Where are all the foulness and vileness U spew in other people's blogs in blogosphere?
Dare U to block this comment?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

an anonymous coward wrote: > Where are all the foulness and vileness U spew in other people's blogs in blogosphere? <

Right here motherfucker. May your children be gay and get AIDS :-)

Best wishes,

The One-And-Only Matilah Singapura