11 March 2005

The Road To Serfdom via GLCs - PROOF

Ah. The plot thickens.



Jon said...

Welcome aboard the bandwagon of fellow Singapore-bashers! I noticed you've been quite vocal over on SBP. So what is the significance of this blog... is it a mockery of a nation that has lost all hope for salvation?

Love the Hoffman quote by the way. Reminds me of that song, Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine. If you've never heard of RATM before, you're missing out on the greatest anarchist rock band. ever.

nononora said...

Welcome friend, I'm new too.

Anonymous said...

I like your political stand, although there are just some little bits that I would dispute. I'll keep these for some other time.
For now, here are two points I'd like to put forward:
1. Criticism is different from bashing. Criticism is done through reasoning with the wellbeing of the people as the objective. Bashing is reactionary condemnation because of personal injuries done to the individual. I would admit though that sometimes it is hard to tell one apart from the other. But in any case, the oligarchs are more concerned about criticism because it is more convincing, and will generally punish it more harshly than mere bashing.
2. Anyone who has lost hope in the nation should not criticize/bash it but simply abandon it to fester to its death. Unless your existential purpose in life is to save the people and/or impose your own will, it makes more sense to take care of your own interests. Selfish? Yes. What are the alternatives? Staying and lending credence to oppression. i.e. You make yourself part of the collective responsibility of making your fellow countrymen suffer.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Absolutely. I believe in selfishness. In fact even if I didn't, it wouldn't matter.

Everyone acts in their own self-interest ALL THE TIME.

Even if they "sacrifice" their life, they act selfishly.

Having freewill means humans will always be selfish.

The reason (selfish) I write the way I do is to add some "oomph". Matilah Singapura does have "oomph". Perhaps the lights might come on for some...

...I don't know. I have no control on the selfish minds of others ;-)

Anonymous said...

The REAL idiot is the one
• who feels he can say what he want, to anyone about anyone,
• in his loose (as in cheap, promiscous) control-lacking diarrhoea
• of profanity & pseudo-reasoning.
Hiding behind avatars of "come-get-me, I-hate-all-authority"..
Claiming to be a citizen paying taxes and observing the island's affairs from his self-declared utopia in some overseas soft sand..
We're experienced online to see through more than his cowardice..
Dunce, why act tough here? While acting all soft elsewhere posting yr vile thoughts?
Why not quit? Quit paying yr taxes, pointing yr fingers. Quit the country. That will befit yr pseudo-garang attitude and put useful your vulgar angst against all things human, hor?
Mati la matilah.

Anonymous said...

Mati la matilah.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

WOW, I see the "real intellectuals" have visited my blog... cloaked in "anonymity" of course.. so courageous... bwahahahaha....

Fuck you, motherfuckers— a Pox on both your houses! May more of your off-spring be genetically defective!