22 May 2006

Channel-X Launches

Check this out. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.



Anonymous said...

This is simply a case of The Corporation (pap) attempting to monopolise its gain by cutting off alternative supply routes. Remember the 'half tank' rule? Screw the people and arrest them when they attempt to unscrew.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for paying taxes through purchases. So long as it comes back to us in meaningful ways - free medical, free education, unemployment benefits, etc. Nobody tells a machine to take care of itself when it breaks down or fund its own cost of production. What we should demand is for the right to be treated as equal to machines.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

There is absolutely no way to control HOW your tax-dollars will be spent. Since the state has ABSOLUTE POWERS it will do as it pleases.

Sure, a few crumbs are thrown to the begging citizens, but anything the state can provide (which it does by coercion and compulsion) can be provided better, cheaper and in a framework of VOLUNTARY COOPERATION in the free market.

Anonymous said...

Matilah Singapura,

Pls comment about your blog location country makan away our $$ by confiscated the indepent TV station leh.....

Now, we lost another sum that make our country approach mati stage earlier for ten years..... or our company improvement backward by another 10 years leh.....

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Err... anon 6:27:

My blog is "located" in cyberspace, but if you want to get pedantic about it, it is probably on a server in the USA.
I have very little to do with my "location country"—I am here for purely selfish personal reasons—business and lots of pleasure.

No one forces anyone to do business in Thailand, and I am of the belief that you can't cheat an honest man, because it takes 2 voluntary parties to engage an any deal.

I tell all my friends:

Caveat emptor is Latin for Welcome To Thailand!

Now that there's no "legal" govt, is a double-edged sword—you can do as you please, but the socialist military junta can make laws arbitrarily. This brings in the issue of self-defense—as long as you are responsible for yourself and can defend your being and your property, you are essentially free.

Freedom, therefore is never free—it has a "high cost" associated with it. Freedom is never "automatic" either—it requires intelligent action i.e. rational behaviour to secure it, and constant vigilance to maintain it.

As long as this planet has government corporations doing business with each other, you are going to get trouble.

The sooner we get to LESS GOVERNMENT the better for it is for We, The People— which is nothing more than I, The Individual placed in the social context.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

To pissing on your ass:

I never found your blog. What I did find is only your profile page.

BTW, a comment on your picture: I hope the finger in the pic is NOT one of your own. The partial prints are clearly visible. All the cops have to do is to match that in the NRIC database—all of us are finger printed. S'pore was the world-leader in "biometric identification" on a national scale–long before the term "biometric" came into existence.

Take care. Cheers

Anonymous said...

Bean is here.