20 October 2009

Irreligiousophy — The One True Podcast

Being an individual, and taking that idea quite seriously, I'd like to think of myself as someone who bows to no one else's 'code'.
It is for that reason I salute these guys for making me laugh so hard to the point of urinary and fecal incontinence — I have to keep up the Kegels to stop me from embarrassing myself.

 On a more 'serious' note, these unapologetic infidels might even make the wold a better place. One more apostate of blind-faith authority and medieval beliefs based on the supernatural and superstition, the better chance for our species, in my opinion.

They address important questions — some not near enough often asked like "Was Jesus A Dick?"

Saving a mind, one soul at a time.

jesus christ for god's sake check out Irreligiosophy — The One True Podcast

1 comment:

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

UPDATE: I'm famous!

Leighton Allred read mentioned this post on Irreligiosophy #43 available here