Regarding the article below:
Here we go again - Govt bans another Martyn See's film
I have always made the argument that the lack of civil liberties and the inalienable right to the freedom of speech, freedom to publish and create works without censorship is a very good reason to emigrate from Singapore.
I standby my opinion that every self-respecting parent will do whatever it takes to ensure that their children don't fall prey to the intolerable edicts from the PAP-run government which will stile their minds, strip these kids of their individuality and turn them into serfs of The State. Add to that the forced conscription of teenage males into the defense forces -- a state institution called "National Service".
The Singapore government does however wave an enticing carrot -- low taxes, and a relatively free and open economy (#2 in the world next to Hong Kong according to reports by the CATO Institute and The Frazer Institute) -- which of course is excellent as far as individual productivity and "purchasing power" is concerned.
However, the state does exercise its absolute territorial power by silencing any dissent, especially from people who criticise the actions of the PAP-led government. Those who do get hammered by the police -- an institution of society that is supposed to serve and protect and not involve themselves in political maneuverings. A police force who acts as political henchmen poses potential risks to the citizen, as citizens of a (so-called) republic are supposed to be in-charge of their government, not the other way around.
Mr See has had his films banned before. He's even had his equipment 'impounded'. This valiant individual is creating media which is of historical significance, but it becomes apparent to people like me that the PAP seeks a monopoly on the history of Singapore and is not only scared of what could be the truth, but fearful of one person's opinion.
I am no fan of communism or socialism, and I think Karl Marx wrote funny unbelievable, unattainable shit and should have been a comedian like Groucho. However individuals have the right o their political beliefs, and in a (so-called) republic they have the right to "sell" their ideas just like anyone else -- even if their ideas are opposed to the (so-called) norm.
The state has no place in being the "thought police" or the arbiter of ideas.
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