Westboro Baptist Church will Protest ComicCon
Rev Fred Phelps and his merry band of zealots come under too much criticism, I think. Honestly, I cannot find the will necessary to suppress my laughter for one of the good-lord's bat-shit crazy spawn and his true-believing flock.

Sorry jesus, superman just kicked the ass of the son-of-man, thank your father that you (both?) subscribe to the idea of forgiveness (when it suits you).
I'm hoping that the Rev Phelps and his diocese never stop entertaining mankind (perhaps it's god's will?) even though some people may be "sacrificed" in the process in being psychologically hurt, disgusted or offended. Hopefully these folks may take all this comedy from the Westboro Baptist Church with a light heart. Really folks, nothing can trounce god's will. The lord made Fred Phelps into a total asswipe, as he did Hitler, made Bush stupid, created cancer and causes global catastrophes which kill millions.
Thank you god for entertainment Hollywood can only strive to emulate.
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