30 December 2010

Judge Blocks Grisly Anti-Smoking Campaign

Thankfully, in today's world of subjective (so-called) 'justice', you get a judge who makes a good call.

Judge Blocks Grisly Anti-Smoking Campaign | LiveScience Etc.

Have a look at the Legalised Government Graffiti mandated to be on your private property, for the sole purpose of diminishing your private experience by fear, foisted on your consciousness by the state.

Legalized Offensive Government Graffiti You Have To 'Own' -- By Law 

Everyone knows that smoking is unhealthy and carries with it potentially lethal risks. No government can argue "We're merely making a statement of fact". No that doesn't apply. A pack of fags (smokes, coffin nails...whatever) is private property and the trade between cigarette manufacturer and smoker is  voluntary.

FDA, you're not invited to the party. Piss off.

And at one time, they must have approved this

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